There was an article posted on The Blaze last week about a man who entered a church with the intend to do harm. Now for this article the religion of church he entered doesn’t matter nor does the profession of the religion of the bad guy. The point of this article is a reminder that there are people in this world who are seeking to do harm to others, and some of those people are in a spiritual battle as I believe this man in the article was, he entered with a mission but left without causing harm and left a note saying the church was blessed by God.
Some people do harm because of drug addictions and they will do whatever it takes to get their next fix. Others do harm due to the hurts and pain of relationships such is the case in domestic abuse. More and more, I believe we are going to see others who are doing harm because they are focused and guided by the evil one.
Many who read my posts are preparing for some type of event, be it an economic collapse, natural or man made disaster, or even a personal event such as a job loss or severe medical issues. How many of you are preparing yourself for spiritual warfare?
Now, I am not a theologian or even a Bible scholar, not by any sense of the word. What I am is a person who believes in the Holy Spirit of God and the importance of learning, reading and knowing the Bible. I also believe it is very important to have a good solid relationship with Christ and relay on that as your foundation in times of trouble.
When times of trouble come into your life it will be much easier to handle it if you are leaning on Christ for direction. Don’t get me wrong, just because you believe in God or profess to be a Christian does not mean trouble will not come your way or that bad things will not happen to you. In fact, you are just liable to experience more trouble a the evil one will put more of his bad angels in your path. However, know that, God will also put more of His angels, or solders, up on the front line for your defense…causing spiritual warfare.
Jesus was continually tested and tempted in the wilderness, Matthew 4:1-11, each time Jesus responded with the words “it is written”, to which I interrupt as, in the name of my Father, Lord God. You see Jesus didn’t have a get home bag when he was out in the wilderness. He didn’t have a cache of supplies that he could go do for water or food during those forty days and forty nights. All He had was the support of HIS Father, God. He relied on HIM and called to HIM when he was tempted and in trouble.
Something that I was always taught when growing up was that the evil one could not function when a command in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ was mentioned. This is not to say that I believe nor do I condone any type of spiritualism, I do not believe in “casting out demons”. I am only saying that during any time of trouble or temptation to always call on the name of the Lord Jesus for HIS will to be done.
Part of having that level of faith, and relationship in Christ is to also know that things may not go they way you want them to. Bad things do happen to good people, to Christian people, and to people who do call on the Lord, I can’t explain way, and believe me I would like to know. However, it is not for me to question the will of God, only for to believe in His will and trust in HIM for all things.
It isn’t easy, no, not easy at all at times, but it does get easier the better prepared you are for this type of warfare.
- Each and every day when you wake up, reach up to God and ask HIM to guide your steps, words and actions
- Put on the full armor of God as it is written in Ephesians 6:10-18
…Therefore take up the whole armor of God that you may be able to resist in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having your waist girded with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, having your feet fitted with the readiness of the gospel of peace, and above all, taking the shield of faith, with which you will be able to extinguish all the fiery arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God..
- Start the day by reading scripture and other study devotionals.
- Throughout your day continue to talk with your Holy Father for guidance and direction, just as you talk with your friends and family throughout the day, build that type of relationship with your heavenly father.
- End each day with study in the Bible and prayer of thanks to your heavenly Father.
- Put your focus on heavenly things rather than things of this world. Sure entertainment is fun and necessary, but some live by video games, sports, and other worldly distractions. This opens up the mind to the evil one as your guard is weak. Focusing on heavenly things builds up a strong mind and a solid wall of fire around you and your loved ones.
Remember, bad things do happen to good people, it is easy to cry out to God asking why he allowed it to happen, however, we live in an broken evil world, and as long as our feet are on the earth those things will continue to happen until Christ returns.
Until then, rely on HIS word and the power of the name Jesus Christ.
21 Sep 2015
0 CommentsPreparing For Spiritual Warfare
Some people do harm because of drug addictions and they will do whatever it takes to get their next fix. Others do harm due to the hurts and pain of relationships such is the case in domestic abuse. More and more, I believe we are going to see others who are doing harm because they are focused and guided by the evil one.
Many who read my posts are preparing for some type of event, be it an economic collapse, natural or man made disaster, or even a personal event such as a job loss or severe medical issues. How many of you are preparing yourself for spiritual warfare?
Now, I am not a theologian or even a Bible scholar, not by any sense of the word. What I am is a person who believes in the Holy Spirit of God and the importance of learning, reading and knowing the Bible. I also believe it is very important to have a good solid relationship with Christ and relay on that as your foundation in times of trouble.
When times of trouble come into your life it will be much easier to handle it if you are leaning on Christ for direction. Don’t get me wrong, just because you believe in God or profess to be a Christian does not mean trouble will not come your way or that bad things will not happen to you. In fact, you are just liable to experience more trouble a the evil one will put more of his bad angels in your path. However, know that, God will also put more of His angels, or solders, up on the front line for your defense…causing spiritual warfare.
Jesus was continually tested and tempted in the wilderness, Matthew 4:1-11, each time Jesus responded with the words “it is written”, to which I interrupt as, in the name of my Father, Lord God. You see Jesus didn’t have a get home bag when he was out in the wilderness. He didn’t have a cache of supplies that he could go do for water or food during those forty days and forty nights. All He had was the support of HIS Father, God. He relied on HIM and called to HIM when he was tempted and in trouble.
Something that I was always taught when growing up was that the evil one could not function when a command in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ was mentioned. This is not to say that I believe nor do I condone any type of spiritualism, I do not believe in “casting out demons”. I am only saying that during any time of trouble or temptation to always call on the name of the Lord Jesus for HIS will to be done.
Part of having that level of faith, and relationship in Christ is to also know that things may not go they way you want them to. Bad things do happen to good people, to Christian people, and to people who do call on the Lord, I can’t explain way, and believe me I would like to know. However, it is not for me to question the will of God, only for to believe in His will and trust in HIM for all things.
It isn’t easy, no, not easy at all at times, but it does get easier the better prepared you are for this type of warfare.
Remember, bad things do happen to good people, it is easy to cry out to God asking why he allowed it to happen, however, we live in an broken evil world, and as long as our feet are on the earth those things will continue to happen until Christ returns.
Until then, rely on HIS word and the power of the name Jesus Christ.