Prepare For And Adjust To A Financial Collapse
There is a lot of talk about the possibilities of a financial collapse. There are a lot of indicators that a financial collapse is possible. In my humble opinion, I believe a financial collapse is probable, but this blog isn’t about the indicators of what leads me to that opinion. No, today I want to […]
The Right Shoes
Disasters. Sometimes you get warning, such as a big snow storm or hurricane approaching. Most of the time they come as a complete surprise with little to no warning. Think of the Boston marathon bombing….no warning at all. What about a natural disaster like a tornado, very little warning or time to prepare. One […]
Five Tips On How Your Nose Could Save Your Life – Sense Of Smell
Senses. You have five senses, touch, taste, sight, sound, and smell. You use all these senses on a daily basis, but not necessarily in a survival situation. Ensuring that all your senses are focused and trained is a huge part of surviving out in the wilderness but they are just as important for surviving in […]
Tips For Prepping Your Vehicle
You prepare for the things in life such as natural disasters, fire, job loss even medical issues. You do your best to prepare your spouse, kids, even your pets by being debt free, having savings, storing food, possibly having an alternate form of power. Let me ask you, do you prep your vehicle? By prep […]
Taking Care Of Elderly Parents
As we get older, so do our parents. Parents are living longer, this is a good thing, it can also be an extra burden and level of stress. For me, both my parents are in their mid 80’s, I thank God everyday they are healthy and still able to get around on their own and […]