One Secret To Successful Self-Reliance
Self-Reliance is more than just stocking up on stuff. It is about living life as smart as possible. So many women are smart about planning their day, grocery list, doctor appointments and the like. It amazes me how many self-proclaimed self-sufficient women are financially drowning. You can’t successfully prepare to survive if your financial house […]
The Most Important Supply – Water
It doesn’t matter if you’re a man, woman, dog or cat, anything with a heartbeat cannot survive longer than three days without water. We all need it and for that reason I count it is the most important supply to have in stock. In case of an emergency, such as a hurricane, the government recommends […]
Non-Potable Water Storage
Water. The majority of what we do in life needs water in some way. Obviously we need water for drinking. The average human can not live much longer than three days without water. Most people when writing about water and water storage are referring to potable water. Potable water is water that is safe for […]
Basic First Aid
Cleanliness is next to Godliness. This saying is very important, especially if you get cut. In good conditions it is very important to insure that if you get a cut you get it cleaned out and keep it clean. If times get rough, this strategy becomes so important that it could save your life. Yesterday […]
A To Z Prepping Starts With The Alpha And Omega
Lately I have read that many ladies are feeling overwhelmed being self-reliant and just surviving day-to-day. Even I went through a period of time where I was so overwhelmed that I donated all my supplies to a local church for a disaster services organization which I don’t regret for a minute, those products went to […]
Your Backyard Could Save Your Life
Your backyard can save your life. Land is land and you don’t need much of it to grow food. I can tell you that if I plant anything in my yard, it will be something that will produce some form of edible nutrients. Being very practical, I am not one to have a yard full […]