Be Prepared

Four Family Related Disasters Your Should Prepare For
preparing for the things that are more likely to happen to you such as a job loss, a long illness or broken bone. Other things to prepare for is a divorce, death of a loved one including a pet. It is the day-to-day things that we need to prepare for first before preparing for the large events such as a EMP, global economic collapse or some other national or global event.
Disaster Preparedness Plan – Think Beyond The Moment
We live in troubled times, if you don’t think so just look what the people in Paris have gone through lately. So much can change in a second, be it a terrorist attack or something simple like an escalator stopping. What? Prudence, how can you include the attacks in Paris and an escalator stopping in […]
Boil Water Alert
A boil water alert means that you should not consume water from your normal municipal water source until you boil it to a rolling boil for at least a minute. Consume means, drinking, cooking, brushing teeth, washing dishes and pet bowls. Without water you and I as humans won’t last much longer than three days. […]
Thirteen Severe Weather Warning Preps
Severe weather could happen at any time. Most of us don’t think anything about those weather warnings because, let’s face it, most of the time it is just a bad storm, sure, there may be some leaves and small limbs blown down, maybe you are without power for a short period of time, but normally it is no bit deal