Prudence ~
Posts by Prudence :

Prepping – The Right Vehicle

So many people are focused on their vehicle. For many it is a status symbol. Most people have some form of car payment. (side note, did you know the average car payment in America is $475/mo) So few however think about their vehicle when it comes to survival in a disaster, especially us women. For […]
One Secret To Successful Self-Reliance
Self-Reliance is more than just stocking up on stuff. It is about living life as smart as possible. So many women are smart about planning their day, grocery list, doctor appointments and the like. It amazes me how many self-proclaimed self-sufficient women are financially drowning. You can’t successfully prepare to survive if your financial house […]
Home Remedies For Cough
What do you do when you get a cough? Some run right to the doctor. Most others run to the grocery store to pick up some over-the-counter (OTC) cough syrup. Who knows what is in those OTC syrups, I figure if you don’t know what’s in it even after reading the ingredients it can’t be […]