Prudence ~
Posts by Prudence :

When Technology Fails

Technology is all is all around us, from our smart phones, tablets, notebooks, Wi-Fi connections, internet, etc. Where ever we turn we either use it or use something that uses it. Think about paying for gas at the pump, there is technology involved, you swipe your card, the pump is connected to an internet connection […]

Survival Of The Fittest: Who Will Die First WhenThe SHTF?

Not having any background in medicine I have searched out those who have been professionally trained in the area. Many months back I stumbled onto this video by The Patriot Nurse. Her point of view is one that I agree with and appreciate her training and willingness to post videos. She has a lot of […]
When Hell Breaks Loose – You May Have To Dispose Of A Dead Body
If you have ever watched Dual Survival you probably know who Cody Lundin is. He is a survivalist a barefoot man who teaches others the skills to survive. In 2007 he wrote a book “When Hell Breaks Loose“, a practical book that entertains while providing essential information needed to survive a catastrophe. When you think […]
Cyber Attack Are You Ready?
Preparing for the worst is many times focused on the obvious such as hurricanes, floods, fires and other natural disasters. You may also be prepping for family related emergencies such as job loss, extended illness, and the like. Have you considered the impact of a cyber attack type disaster? Sure your first thought may be, […]
Home Security
Many urban preppers are focused on food, water, medical, guns and ammo. Yes, all that and much more are very important. Home security is just as important, after all, if your home isn’t secure your family is at risk as well as your supplies. You may think of home security as security systems with motion […]