Prudence ~
Posts by Prudence :

Eye Protection

Your Eyes. They are so important and so fragile yet they are right out in the front lines so to speak, every day. Next to insuring you keep your feet protected, because without your feet you have lost mobility, your eyes are top on the list of protecting. Without sight, you have lost some mobility […]
Eight Non-Standard Investments
When you hear the word investments, I bet you think about things like the stock market, gold, silver, real estate. However now days, with how the price of things are going up and chances are your income is not, it is time to look at others items instead of the standards mentioned above as investments. […]
Rats! I Forgot My Glasses
How many times have you gotten to a restaurant or out shopping and tried to read the menu or a label and realized you forgot your reading glasses? It has happened to me more times than I can remember. Thank goodness, I am blessed with good vision for seeing distances, I am farsighted. However, as […]
15 Nutritional Supplements You Should Always Have On Hand
You most likely always have on hand a bottle of aspirin or acetaminophen, most commonly known as Tylenol, or at least you should after you read the post 18 Over The Counter Meds You Should Always Have On Hand. It is just as important to have on hand some nutritional supplements as well. Items that focus […]